In the second round of the rhyme battle Rone had a few strong metaphors, and tried to call Caustic (formerly kid caustic) nothing but a kid and his girl a guinea pig and said he would make Caustic (formerly kid caustic) girl feel pain. Rone had a questionable rap ending for this round. Caustic (formerly kid caustic) started his verse mentioning how Rone had mostly nose rap jokes in his raps. Caustic (formerly kid caustic) spit his raps in a syllabic format. Caustic (formerly kid caustic) won this round of rhyme battle.
In the third and last round of the rhyme battle Rone seemed to have started off spontaneously with a freestyle rap verse but it seemed real smooth and he had a creative approach this round talking about out whiting his opponent. Rone's last punchline in this ack bround was hot when he said rap is a joke because of rappers like Caustic (formerly kid caustic). Caustic (formerly kid caustic) stayed syllabic with his rhymes and tried to say that Rone looked like a member of the Brady Bunch. My favorite punchline that he used was you look like one of those contestants from Next. Rone won this round of the cypher.
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