In the second round of this cypher Bomberman stepped his punchline game up. He said, "your so stupid you wear a condom online so you don't catch a virus". That might be my favorite punchline that I heard this week so far. Bomberman was still straight he didn't really step up his delivey. Jack Dean kept up the same MC delivery that hes been hitting Bomberman with. He also had hot metaphors as well. He said that the man reminded of someone who was the main target in dodge ball. Both rappers stayed consistent Jack Dean countered Bomberman perfectly with his lyrical flow won this round of the MC tournament.
In the third round of the Hip hop battle Bomberman started spitting his rhymes. This M C continued his hip hop verse with a dead rap expression. Bomberman accused Jack Dean of practicing incest. My favorite rap battle lyrics were when he said his last punchline, " The only thing better than fucking your mom against a barb wire fence nothing". Jack Dean started his rhyme verse and he made a point that he didn't care if he won the battle because he wins at life. Jack Dean won this rhyme battle based on his rap delivery.

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