Richard Cranium started the second round of the hip hop rap battle. He started off talking about his side burns. He said Tunk lives in a tree hut in the woods and said his girl probably has big strong pectoral muscles aka beast cups. He said that he's more worried about Tunk's girl beating him up. Tunk spit his verse next. Tunk asked Richard Cranium how he could dis his family when his is not the best. He said his family isn't the best and they use a bunch of drugs and crazy hallucinogenics. He said he would knock his opponent out with a Hamburger Helper glove Tunk won this round of the rapping battle.
In the third round of this cypher Richard Cranium started it off. He said at the beginning that he turned Tunk down because he sucks He tried to say that Tunk can't control his liquor and gets drunk off of beer. He tried to imply that Tunk pimps out his own sister and practices incest. The last thing Richard Cranium told Tunk to eat a dick. Tunk started the rhyme battle trying to call Richard Cranium a fake wannabe gangster. He said that his opponents was named after a penis. He said that
Richard Cranium thought wisdom teeth makes him smart.
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