Fatz seemed to have stepped up his rhymes and punchlines up another level. Fatz had an in your ass and personal rap delivery. Fatz was really spitting about Nov and his girl who happened to be at the battle. Personally I don't know whats up with these A hat rappers bringing there girlfriends and mothers to rap battles but whatever, Fatz didn't care he was relentless. I liked when Fatz said try to act like a piranha get and get turned into filet fish. Nov had aggresive raps when he spit his rap verse. Nov had a pretty straight metaphor about Grand daddy. Fatz won this rap battle by a tad bit more in my opinion.
In the third round of rhyme battle Fatz brought up the fact that Nov had a shirt that said the King of Sin City and didn't think it made sense. Fatz continued the relentless metaphors and raps about Nov's girl right in her face. Fatz was thorough when he said he could beat nov in sign language that was my favorite and his ending was pretty good. Nov's freestyle approach didn't really help him. Nov repeated him self and started pausing too long in between his rap verses. In my honest opinion Fatz won this round of the rap battle.
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