New Era started rapping in this round of the cypher with a syllabic rhyme style. He called J Frost harmless like tickles to the arm pit and told him to be on his best behavior because he would stomp him down or in his words,"before my foot and your teeth arrange a blind date". New Era said if J Frost is the best rapper in Arizona then Hurricane Katrina should have washed it up. When it was time for J Frost to rap he started of by saying that he brings true terror because he a beast in rap. He continued to flow with a syllabic style. He basically tried to call New Era a liar and also tried to call him a weak MC and basically said that J Frost was a poor representation of New Orleans. J Frost definitely won this round of the rap cypher.
In the third round of the lyrical battle New Era said that J Frost being nice is a lie and said that he should wrap his hands around his neck like a present. He tried to say that J Frost has a swagger like a bummy ass B rabbit and the same hair cut and for his ending compared him to Eminem's discography. His rap challenger had hot metaphors but semmed to have toned his raps up during this round of the rapping battle but he stayed consistent with his syllabic lyrical rap ability. J Frost made fun of New Era's girl and said the only time New Era got his hands on knots is when he's touching the back.
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