In the second round of this rap battle CONCEITED tried to imply that GOODZ was cock riding him. GOODZ had a big smile the whole time CONCEITED was rapping. CONCEITED brought up the fact that GOODZ punked out of doing a rhyme battle because a girl was waiting for him. CONCEITED didn't get to finish his rap verse but he didn't get to finish because the crowd kept on interfering with round of the cypher and the clock ran out. GOODZ didn't care an didn't have any regards for that. GOODZ said that CONCEITED went to jail and got taken advantage of because he's a small dude. GOODZ even called out Aye Verb. GOODZ finished his last round of this rap clash referencing Chucky and Childs Play. This rap cypher was a tie.
In the third round of this rapping battle CONCEITED compared goods to Foxy Brown trying to say he is a has been. CONCEITED tried to say that GOODZ follows in Head Ice's shadow. CONCEITED had many deep metaphors. CONCEITED tried to imply that GOODZ is a snitch. GOODZ tried to imply that CONCEITED had little boy rap bars. GOODZ seemed to be in and out of free styling because his rhymes were more spontaneous. GOODZ was a cocky rapper but it's hard to say who won this round of the rap battle.
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