In round two Phats started round two of the rap battle with a metaphor that I didn't really understand. His rap verse was extremely sloppy and was unorthodox. Shapey Fiend started his rap verse of this rap cypher rapping circles around Phats so he so he says when he started off rapping. Shapey Fiend tried to imply that Phats was a child molester. Shapey Fiend won this round of the rap cypher was a tie.
In the third round of the cypher Phats tried to tell Shapey Fiend to tie himself to a train track.Phats really thought he won this last round of the rap cypher judging on his last punchline. Shapey Fiend even seemed to be calling out MC dubh when he spit his rap verse. Shapey Fiend won this round of the rhyme battle.
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