In the second round of the cypher Adam The Rapper called Innuendo a Mr Potatoe Head. Adam The Rapper seemed to be freestyle rapping his rap verse a tad bit.Innuendo started his round by saying Adam The Rapper's mother loves his shins. Innuendo had a more syllabic rhyme style. Innuendo won this round of the rapping battle was a tie.
In the third round of the rap cypher Adam The Rapper started off with raps that suggested that Innuendo has a crappy life. Adam The Rapper tried to say that Innuendo is a waste of sperm. Innuendo made up stories about Adam The Rapper. Innuendo started spitting a fast rap verse with lots of syllables. This round of the rhyme battle was a tie.
Innuendo made a slick comment about Adam The Rapper's mom during this round of the cypher and made rap jokes about Adam The Rapper being molested. Innuendo said that Adam The Rapper was the worst mistake his parents ever made. Adam The Rapper stepped up this round of the cypher his rhymes were more complexed and his rhyme style was more syllabic and I would say that he won this round of the rap clash based on the crowd energy from his rap delivery and his syllabic rhymes and punchlines but it seemed like he stumbled on one or two of his raps. This rapping battle was a tie.

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