In round two of this lyrical battle Sonny Bamboo seemed to have step up his rap bars.He started off the rap battle saying that him and someone else is gonna run a train on his girl and hen he sees Johnny Storm's house he's gonna smash it in. Sonny Bamboo made some goods points. He made fun of Johnny Storm's voice and word pronunciation. He basically let his opponent know that he doesn't care about being small or not because at his height he can see easily that his lyrical opponent has no heart.Sonny Bamboo bragged about how he makes money off of Johnny Storm's Grind Time Youtube rap battles Johnny Storm started off rhyming about how paleSonny Bamboo's skin tone is and told the crowd not to listen to Sonny Bamboo. Johnny Storm called Sonny Bamboo a troll. He said his challenger is so small that if he went down on a girl he'd be sucking her toes. Johnny Storm somewhat of a laughing stock of Sonny Bamboo. This round of the rap clash was a tie in my opinion.
In the third round rhyme battle Sonny Bamboo named a bunch of Grind Time rappers including Johnny Storm and said they all ride to battles in one car and it's a 2 seater. Sonny Bamboo had one of the deepest punchlines that Iever heard about Johnny Storm's mother being. He finished off his rap verse talking about how he wanted to barry Johnny Storm in the same slump that his state has been in. Johnny Storm said that Grind Time is gonna make a lot of money this year and won't give him any because he's corny. Johnny Storm continued with the small man rap jokes.this round of the rhyme battle was a tie.
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