In the second round of the rhyme battle Bigg Cuz said Stowaway was spitting some dumb raps like a girl. He tried to get syllabic with the rap flow but his delivery was still hard silent and didn't grab anyones attention. His rap rhymes were not all that good at all and he kept on messing up and had to start rhyming again with his rehearsed lyrics. Stowaway tried to say thay he's not tough and says that Bigg Cuz is a fake thug with no real character or personality and he has a picture of him holding a gun on his facebook. Stowaway said that Bigg Cuz looks like a childs drawing of a rapper. This MC said just because he talks and looks street but it means nothing and that he is a chipmunk. He tried to say that if Bigg Cuz is slanging drugs Stowaway is Big Pun. His last punchline suggested that Bigg Cuz could not win this battle eventhough if was using drugs.
In the third round of the lyrical battle Bigg Cuz tried call Stowaway a pussy. Bigg Cuz continued to mess up on his rehearsed raps. He was still rapping with that dull rap voice and corny rhymes. The last thing Bigg Cuz told his rap opponent was to cry to his father. Stowaway claimed to be keeping his verse factual and to the point.He said he seen Bigg Cuz shaking to Craig Davis in the night club. He said he flowis crazy naturally. Stowaway won this round of the rap cypher.

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