In the second round of this promo rap tournament Mista Switch started out saying thank god Adam The Rapper is here to save you. Unanymous tried to make an insult about Innuendo but instead it seemed more like he was complimenting him. Mista Switch called himself the best rapper in there literally. Unanymous called him and Mista Switch the chosen pair. Innuendo started the second half of this freestyle battle. Adam The Rapper made a dis respectful comment about people from Berlin having the most stupidest accent in the country and the crowd started booing. Innuendo said Liver city mates DON'T FLOP and asked one of his two rap opponents if he's wearing a blanket. Mista Switch and Unanymous won this round of the hip hop rap battle.
Unanymous started off by saying you can usually see Innuendo with Oshea mumbling and stumbeling drunk. In the third round of Mista Switch said I'll slice you and dice you to seven bits. Unanymous called Innuendo the ugliest cunt. In the third round of this cypher it truly did turn into a heated battle. Innuendo spit his rap verse and got in Unanymous's face when he was rapping. You can tell he was mad about something he said,"my fuckin mates dad died in the Auschwitz disaster". Adam The Rapper was also good at spitting freestyle raps during this round of the rap battle. Adam The Rapper said Unanymous is fat like he eats load of food and Mista Switch looks like a heroin addict. This round of the rap clash was a tie. This round of the rhyme battle was a tie in my opinion.

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