In the second round of the M C battle Defron started it gladly and made a crazy good punchline about double d's and had a smooth ending. Decoy started his verse calling Defron a fagot and comparing him to Tom Cruise. Decoy also made some straight rap jokes on Defron's beard. Defron won this round of the rap battle in my opinion.
In the third round of the rap cypher Defron started the rap battle by calling Decoy a mommas boy and finished his rap verse calling Decoy a pervert. Decoy could freestyle pretty good he seemed to be spontaneous and rapping about stuff that was right in the midst like Defron's shirt logo resembling testicles. In my opinion Defron won this round of the cypher.
In the fourth and last round of the cypher Decoy started the rap cypher and his rap delivery seemed some what depressing seemed some what. I liked Decoy rhyme about his pimp hand. Defron proceeded to keep the syllabic punchlines coming hard. In the end Defron won this M C battle he was just too much for Decoy.

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