In the second round of this very competitive somewhat lyrical match up Sprungy started it off spitting fire. He tried to say that his one one rap cypher's have more views than his opponents. He said that his rival claims to be hard. He was going off the top towards the middle of his verse. He said that he can tournament without rhyming because he is just that good. He said he'll beat his opponent up until he has no body. He even said that he'd cut off the guys head. His delivery was that of a crazy mans. Savij Tung wasted no time calling his rival the offspring of the little Britain cars. He said that he was kicking ass but he needed bigger shoes since he has kicked ass in his time but he said that boy was huge. He tried to say that Sprungy came more so to eat and not to battle and tried to imply that the man goes to sleep dreaming about deserts. He tried to accuse his adversary of using a splash instead of a swipe like the Grind Time Rapper Tiger ty. I would have to say that Savij Tung stayed more consistent throughout this round of the battle with less slip ups and won.
In the third round of this lyrical battle Sprungy seemed to be saying that his rival is from a country that has a rugby team called all blacks but every player is white. He said that Savij Tung's beard is worse than Dirtbag Dan. The crowd was laughing but he didn't seem to know why. He tried to call his adversary's raps inappropriate and say that it's like he adds another o to the vowel sound of everything he spits. He made his own reenactment of the man. The last thing he said was a question. He asked the crowd if they knew what his opponent says in his raps. Savij Tung than spit his verse soon after. He claimed to be about to give Sprungy a history lesson. He said something about using his cannibal instincts to eat them all until there is nothing left but his finger nails and genitals. He said that he' make the challenger his bitch and call him Elizabeth. He made a statement at the end of this rap cypher saying that they live in the southern hemisphere so it isn't football it's soccer. This round was a tie in my opinion.
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