Edwords started the second round of this cypher telling his opponent that his breath smells great that was unexpected I guess he was trying to imply uses mouth wash more than he uses soap, I wonder why he would do that, do you get it? He claimed that his rival didn't have a real tattoo on the side of his throat it's really an esophagus growth from the seeds of men when he swallows there loads. He told Cody the Catch you don't need baggy jeans just to do that hes said. He said that he's not a hustler but he addresses the issues like a magazine subscription. Edwords got super syllabic and tried to imply that his opponent wouldn't show a gun. He said that he's gonna show his adversary out for being a faker and and compared himself to Koby and The Lakers. He claimed that he was gonna show his adversary something that would make him worry and said that when Cody the Catch was young he got touched explicitly by members of his church. He said no one thinks that this man in the face is really fast for the works and if he throws up his hands in amazement he's acting disturbed. Edwords said when his opponent doest get a standing ovation he'll get the clap that he deserves. Cody the Catch went in immediately after saying that he's really glad that a topics been covered and he said that he was gonna dis his opponent and not his mother, just interact and talk with others. He called him lame basically and asked him what is with his hat he's not a hunter but his challengers sisters snatch has got some numbers. He claimed to have sodomized Edwords sister with a whiffle bat and watched her suffer and accused him of listening to Nickel back while wondering if he should leave rap and become a plumber. Cody the Catch said that his opposition looks like Simple Jack from Tropic Thunder. He called himself hot as summer and fresh sort of like the air. He referred to his opponents being too short to even go on rides at fairs and tried to accuse him of being a snitch. He said that Edwords challengers girl looks like a pear and she lets motor bikers run trains on her. He said that he was gonna take the money he wins from this rap battle and go do blow and use it with Hollohan. He said he's not a little brother but he'll put a big piece of feces on your microphone. He said people who see this cypher are gonna ask his opposition if he is alright and then spit about leaving his leaving the guys grandma in an awkward position and then take a picture of her to masturbate to. He said that his challenger was the definition of a hater. He said that his girl is pregnant and in nine months she'll have a native kid. In my opinion Cody the Catch won this round of the rap battle by a tad bit more.
In the third round of this match up Edwords went right in and started off by saying that he make racial rhyme because he's arrogant. He said that Cody the Catch drops the most trash and he's Native American and called him a scavenger that dribbles pictures on the wall just to mark his monthly calendar, you get it it Aztecs. He said that this battle is a massacre and said he dis his oppositions ancestor in a syllabic form. He described of his opponent being born as the result of three way. Edwords referred to his adversary being one of the cities worst MC's and said that he needs to quit freestyling. He compared his rival to a DUI driver and called him a charity case with no athletic ability. He said that he could tell by his character traits and medical history that he's aware of his face and it's generic deficiency. He said he would walk into city hall and threaten officials to change the laws so he could kill his opposition legally. Edwords said he would show his opponent a bomb if he complains about the judges. Cody the Catch started his verse in this rap tournament when the crowd quiet and said that him and Sketch Menace had a conversation about his adversary being short, ugly, and weird and said that was a valid observation. He said that Eds an alright but he's a fagot on occasions. He said that his rival is only here to get a name rapping. He said that he's from a town in Ontario and into Kayaking and rain dancing. Cody the Catch tried to imply that he was battling a rapist and couldn't believe he was in the same bracket as him. He said to Edwords use to take ballet classes and that he is not Jack Shitt and said that he heard that from St Catherine. He called him a rat with whiskers aka Master Splinters sister and that he probably has Cody the Catch and Snack The Ripper action figures. He said that girls would rather be fingered than ed word scissor hands than Edwords him self. He said that nasty strippers would that flash there behinds wouldn't be interested in his opponent. He spit that he knew everything that his adversary was gonna say before he seen him and he knew that the crowd would over react. He was on a roll and said mom joke time than he got stopped because his time was up. Cody the Catch won this round of the round of the cypher by a tad bit more only because he was more disrespectful both of them are evenly matched as far as skills.
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