On the second round of the rhyme battle d.flamz didn't hesitate to say that his raps were ahead of his rival. He bragged about not losing battles and said that if you pick some one to spit against him and he would handle them all. He said that this match was Ironic and compared his skill to a monster like Freddy. He claimed to trying to be trying to get his money long bragged about how he spits crack. He told his adversary not to bring up beef because he got his click with him and compared his guns to woman in her fifties. d.flamz called Nico a bitch in his eyes and tried to get syllabic and make a description of how he'd shoot his opponent. He compared his stacks to a pregnancy and compared his heart to a baseball game. He called him self a living germ and said that if you play his track his home boys will run it back like a kick return. He told them to sit and learn while he makes an example because he's a dinosaur but his adversary is a mammal. He compared his rivals head to an egg and said he would black both of his eyes. d.flamz then spit that he'd make his oppositions eyes turn black. His last punchline about him never losing Dave Chappelle was classic. Nico started rapping again saying that his heart is cold and said he'd leave his challenger on a dark road. He said only the lord knows where he's going and said he would shut his adversary down like Picasso's. He went on to tell his rival how much he weighs and went on to describe how hard he punches and said he would let the info red scan his face like a bar code. He said that when it's time to ride d.flamz claimed he got his car towed, I liked that one it was slick. After that line he all of a sudden started getting real syllabic. Nico said he would scrape his challenger and said his homeboy would have to pick him up like he's at bus stop. He claimed that the streets know him very well and told him to give him his money or he'd catch. Apparently he seemed to be from Long Island and equated him self to the letter L. He stated that he was taking off time from doing things that he needs to do just to battle. He said he would leave d.flamz looking like a capital O and he claimed to hang with fine divas. Nico told his rival that he's not not a king a boss or a don and said he would smack him in the eye. He called his challenger average. He said that he has a chopper and he's ready to get it cracking. He states that he's a don at 21 years old and equated him to Donky Kong. He said that he has raps for days and said that he can't fight. He said that he enjoys embarrassing emcees on camera and called it his pet peeve and compared it to a wet weave. Nico said he would kidnap his adversary's baby sis and compared laying him in the ground to unflavored chips. This round of the cypher was a tie in my opinion.
In the third round of this rap tounament d.flamz went right in and said that the match up wasn't fair. He equated himself to Styles P Jadakiss and sheek and his rhymes were similar to brail. He said that he didn't have to use a gun because 2 Pac said that he didn't need one and compared knocking his opponent to abandoned houses. He said that his gun will make Nico relax and said that the other up and coming rappers ain't better than him. d.flamz said that he''l shoot him in his chest and leave him to rest. He said that he's cocky and referred to giving his adversary lose while he keeps on winning. He equated his gun of being like pebbles friend and apparently said that he has been using Pro tools since 2002. He said he has been sick since before he earned his permit. He compared his skill to a courteous person and said his shot gun would turn Nico body into a dutch and make some guts come out it. d.flamz said that the gun he's got will straighten his adversary out and told a story about his girl going down on him. He said after he finishes shooting his rival he'll be running with his hand over his left side like a pledge and equated his opponent to being another calorie and said that he wasn't even half of him. d.flamz compared his skills to an apple tree and matched his adversary to Johny apple seed. Nico started off by saying he has battled a lot of rappers but said by far his challenger is the weak one. He said that he could care less about what where he's from and what crew he is with or where he is from. He said that both of them have ratchet but he would draw first and equated him to ejaculation. He continued to rap about shooting his opposition up and said the steets made him shady. He compared his adversary from G baby. After Nico was finished spitting he started laughing. In my opinion d.flamz won this rap battle.
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