In the second round of this rhyme battle Mista Switch started off making fun of his opponent's teeth. He seemed to be free styling and improvising some of the time and I must say that he was pretty good. He told his rival to tell him how the back of his lyrics taste. He kept the crowd hyped up with his funny raps. Ekyro started his rhymes out in this round trying to call his challenger fake. He also tried to call his opponent a farmer and said that he would jack him for his tractor. This lyricist ended up having a long pause again. Mista Switch won this round of the cypher.
In the third round of the one on one battle Mista Switch went in and did his thing staying mad consistent. He told his adversary he can't rap he even made a rebuttal to his rival talking about his teeth. He spit for about a minute long. Ekyro tried to go hard but he had too many long pauses. He compared Mista Switch to a movie character. Mista Switch won this round of the rhyme battle.

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