In the second round of the rhyme battle 12 GAUGE started his round off talking about rent money and the fact that his opponent couldn't even come up with five hundred dollars and tried to call him a fagot punk looking dude who is scared of Skitso. He also tried to call his adversary a charmeleon with dreads who lives life straighter than a mail man. He tried to his rival a girly face dude when he compared D -BOY in the face to Halley Barry and a star wars character. D-BOY was off the chain when he started spitting his raps. He made a rap joke about his opponents girl and said white men can't jump but white girls can. He made references to IHOP in his rhymes as well. He also compared challenger to Al
Yankovitch. D-BOY won this round of the rap battle.
12 GAUGE started this round of the rhyme battle talking some junk about beating D-BOY up. He said that he would slap him and his family back to islands they came from. He claimed to want to piss and shit on him as well talking junk about his whole family tree. He tried to call his adversary transparent. He ended his verse pointing all up in rivals face. D-BOY went in rapping with a somewhat syllabic rap style. He compared 12 GAUGE to Carl Winslow on Family Matters.He compared himself to a goblin. He even called his challenger four eyes. He compared this battle to a Son Eclipse. He said that he'll send his opponent jumping off a building with no parachute. He made it clear that he was rapping off the top. His freestyle skills were on point I would say. D-BOY won this round of the rhyme battle.
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