In the second round of the rap cypher Kooly Bop told a story about what the name of his opposition was going by a year ago, currency because he wasn't getting money currently. He said that he didn't feel right battling his opponent because he go man boobs and that nobody else made him into that it was just the way that he was born. He said that he should call his adversary paper plate because they call him Strayt Paper but his paper ain't straight. He said that he would leave his opponent see through like a glass of Vodka and seemed to be comparing him self to a pit bull. Kooly Bop equated his rap verses to Mozart and he said he knows nigga's that are more hood than his opposition from the Phillipines. The last thing the man said was he left his kids on his rivals girlfriends face like an autograph. The other MC otherwise known as Strayt Paper went in next and said the last rapper he went up against he proved him to be a fool and said that his challenger really ain't cool. He claimed that he would mop Kooly Bop in a fight and leave him slobbering drool and said that his team is gun busters. He compared his adversary's crew to the Dodgers and the rescue rangers. He said that he shoots more heat out the metal than an Iron and said that rival can't find him he ain't looking too good because he's in the hood. Strayt Paper said that he thinks his opposition was over hyping himself up trying to call him a fake and a liar basically. This round of the cypher was a tie in my opinion.
In the third round of this rhyme battle Kooly Bop spit about when he steps into clubs and what type of recognition he gets and equated his name to a Jeopardy contestant. He described his guns and said he has a big k like the store that Strayt Paper supposedly gets his clothes from. He said that his adversary is on a thrift store budget because he can't afford the mall. He said that his opposition isn't nicer but they keep gassing him up like he is. Kooly Bop said that his metaphors wake up the dead and he said his punchlines will make turn in his grave. He said they set him up against somebody average and he called himself all state first class number one draft pick. He called his opposition as soft as his female friends is and said that he seen him on the movie Amistad. Strayt Paper told his challenger as soon as he started spitting to stop all the tough chat because the only time he cocks and aims is at some other nigga's butt crack. He also said that you don't wanna see Kooly Bop's whole crew because they are all ho mo and if they come around it's not your cash that you have to worry about. The last statement that he said was he'd treat his adversary's life like a flight and leave it departed. In my opinion Strayt Paper won this round of the rapping battle
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