In the second round of the rhyme cypher went sick with rap bars. RICH DOLARZ focused on talking junk about RICH DOLARZ girl and ended his verse cleverly. CALICOE spit some thorough metaphors as well.CALICOEs raps were strong and were a great defense he tried to say that RICH DOLARZ went to a private school.CALICOE was a great lyricist with ill punchlines and his ending was slick This round was neck and neck both CALICOE and RICH DOLARZ kept the momentum of this battle on there side. This round of the rapping battle was a tie in my opinion.
In the third round of this Hip Hop Battle RICH DOLARZ brought up facts about BMF as well as bringing up facts about his accomplishments and youtube views as well as all of his battles making world star hip hop.After RICH DOLARZ spit his rap verse people started souping him up saying that he body bagged CALICOE. CALICOE brought everybody back to reality when he spit his rap verse. CALICOE didn't slip up once and I would say that this round of the rap cypher was a tie.
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