In the second round of the cypher HASH 100S spit like he was hungry and had the best punchlines I heard so far in this round of the rhyme battle. HASH 100S seemed more like he was battling. HASH 100S was playing LANCE and his rap ending was crazy nice. LANCE was thorough and his rhymes were ill. LANCE was talking about how HASH 100S supposedly got his reputation from losing a battle. LANCE spit hard but HASH 100S had a little bit more of an extra element that LANCE was missing. HASH 100S won this rhyme cypher without a doubt.
In the third and last round of this rap clash HASH 100S pulled all the stops and seemed more spontaneous you didn't know what he was gonna say next. My favorite rap bar that he made was the cheaters punch line. LANCE looked rehearsed when he spit his bars. LANCE had stopped his rap verse early but picked up and starting again. HASH 100S won this round of rap cypher.
another good battle but the review seems like it was written by a 12 year old... get the reviews off and admit u cant write blogs at all.
ReplyDeletegood vids, bad reviews.