Kidd W.I.T.E had a sick rap verse and punchlines about. My favorite punchline he made was when he said something about Gladiator popping his trunk. Gladiator had a whole bunch of slick catchy metaphors as well.Gladiator seemed to have slipped up during spitting his verse My favorite rhyme from Gladiator was his ending when he mentioned the Catholic priests. Kidd W.I.T.E won this round of the rap battle.
Kidd W.I.T.E started this rap cypher with syllabic rhymes. Kidd W.I.T.E said a crazy nice punchline about humping Gladiators girl in the mouth and leaving her tongue hanging out. Gladiator won this rap cypher based on his punchlines and delivery.
In the fourth round of the rap battle Gladiator spit with a syllabic rhyme style. Gladiator had straight punchlines. Kidd W.I.T.E continued with his syllabic rhyme style.The rap cypher was a tie in my opinion.
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