In the second round i'm mad he started off biting a Party Arty punch line. BLACK RAIN was creative with his candy rap punchlines that he referred to J-GEANS's girl giving Almond Joy Head. BLACK RAIN was funny he had ya boy laughing in this round of the cypher.J-GEANS started rapping and was holding it down at first and stopped in the middle of his rhymes again. J-GEANS won this round of the rap cypher.
In the third round BLACK RAIN started off saying some funny ass raps. His delivery was on point with his syllabic rhymes. J-GEANS messed up at the very beggining.J-GEANS had a few straight lines but BLACK RAIN killed J-GEANS with the windmill punchline and won that round.
There started to be a fourth round but BLACK RAIN bodied it so bad that had to tell him to chill, He said you "that dumb ass nigga that did a drive by with the windows rolled down" lol That is the best most funniest punchline I heard all week.

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