Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Rap Battle KOTD - GPR2 - Charron vs OZ

In the first round of this rap battle Charron had a rap flow with a lot of syllables rhyming and I would have to say he had the hardest rap punch lines of this rap battle round. OZ had only one good rap punch line in this round of the rap battle.Charron won this round of the rap battle pretty easy to see.

The second round of this rap battle was intense Charron's won this round of the rap battle. He had more rap punch lines and he got at OZ a whole lot more. OZ said 1 or two funny rap punch lines during this round of the rap battle. Charron won this rap battle.

Charron hit OZ in this round of the rap battle. OZ stepped his game up in this round of the rap battle in the beggining of his rap verse. Oz was freestyle rapping and towards the end of his rap verse he started to die.Charon stayed more consistent during this round of the rap battle therefore he won the rap battle.

Charron was freestyle rapping and was severely falling off track in this round of the rap battle. In this last round of the rap battle Charron stayed consistent and freestyled during the last verse of his rap battle.

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