Prophit had a lot of expression when he was rapping Prophit came harder in this round with the battle raps. Prophit had battle rap lyrics for days and his battle rap punchlines were good. Cobra Ky had his boy jump in which I didn't think was very fair. Cobra Ky put a lot of syllabic rhymes together. I give this round of the rap battle to Prophit.
In the third round of rap battle. Prophit killed Cobra Ky in this round of the rap battle. Prophit took the rap battle with his hard hitting rap rhymes. Profit won the last round of this rap battle.
Cobra Ky started off the fourth and last round of this rap battle and he had a few hot battle rap lyric punchlines went pretty dam hard. I would have to say that Cobra Ky won and he had more rap punchlines that spontaneous in the end. What really woke the crowd up was when Cobra Ky used Sara Kana's name for one of his battle rap punchline right in front of her face. Great Sports men ship at the end.
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