Friday, April 16, 2010

Rap Battle Grind Time Now Presents: G Souldier vs Lee Hustle

In the first round of this rap battle Lee Hustle started off rapping about G Souldiers mother. Lee Hustle went sick in this rap battle his rap verse went hard. GSouldier went hard and had some funny crazy ass rap punchlines. This round of the rap battle was a tie. Wow this rap battle got heated over G Souldier's words and how he was dis respecting there blood set in one of his rap rhymes when he mentioned the west coast bloods being mad at his opponents.

In the second round of the rap battle G Souldier went in on this round of the rap battle he was funny. Lee Souldier had some hard raps too but Gsouldier had a hyper rap delivery and great rap punchlines.G Souldier won this round of the rap battle.

Lee Hustle stepped it up in the third round of this rap battle but it wasn't enough. Lee Hutsle came off the top of the dome with some hot rap lyrics. Lee Hustle was hotter with the rap lyrics , rap punchlines and rap delivery.I hated Lee Hustles ending in this rap battle.

Openings at $75K to $500K+

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